How to Create a package and import its module using import command|how to create a package and import it in python|how to create a package in python


In this blog we are going to learn- How to Create a package and import its module using import command.
This program is also in the list of CBSE class 12 computer science practical list.

So major steps for performing this task is:-
  • Creating a Folder
  • Creating an empty file in that folder.
  • creating a .py file and defining the functions.
  • saving the folder in the correct path of pythons site packages.
Major steps to use the package is:
  • Using import command.

You can name the folder anything you want.
You can know the purpose of creating file in the end of this blog.

  • creating a .py file and defining the functions.
  • Sample code of a .py is as follows:-

def volumeofsphere(r):
def Volumerofcone(r,h):
def Volumeofcylinder(r,h):

FOR instance let's name this file as "" and save it in the path of your python site-packages folder.
To get the path of site packages folder...Run the following code:-

import sys

Copy-paste .py file in folder ;that is generated by the above code.

Now to use the defined functions in the module use this format.
  • import "module name or .py file name(volume)"
  • then use volume.Volumeofcylinder(radius,height)

About file:-
The Python interpreter recognizes a folder as the package if it contains file.

"Hope it helped"
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  • Unknown
    Unknown October 13, 2021 at 7:22 PM

    Great website 👍🏻!

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