About Python
Python is a very popular general-purpose programming language which was created by Guido van Rossum, and released in 1991. It is very popular for web development and you can build almost anything like mobile apps, web apps, tools, data analytics, machine learning etc. It is designed to be simple and easy like english language. It's is highly productive and efficient making it a very popular language.Python is a widely-used general-purpose, high-level programming language.
Can we run python and Android?
The answer is YES.We can easily run python,in fact we can run the latest versions of python on Android devices.New apks have provided an easy access to users.An interesting thing is that ,these applications are free to use,i.e. we don't have to pay a single penny for it.This ,made Learning Python easy and available to everyone.
Is their any difference in executing in Desktop and Android?
Ya,Their are some small differences between running python in android and Desktop.But this difference did not make a big change. We can create similar GUI(graphical user interface),And the execution method is almost same in all the devices.
Some Libraries can not be used on Android because of comaptability and architecture.
Available Applications
Their are several apps on playstore through which we can code and execute Python programs.
But the question arises that which one is convenient?Which one is the best?
First you have to understand what makes it better than other!
The key points on which it can be classified is:-
1)Ease of Use
3)features provided
4)Connectivity with sources
..and many more which can vary user to user.
Some applications(APKs) are:-
2)Qpython 3L
To learn the Coding you can use App by SOLOLEARN Also.
"Hope it helped"
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