How to do teleprompting using on Android|How to give a speech without noticing eye movement|Teleprompting|How to read lines/speech in zoom without anyone noticing it




In this page you will learn about how you can give speech/video conference or recite anything in zoom without noticing eye movements.You can record video by reading the text without allowing anyone to notice that you are READING instead of LEARNING.
This is also known as Teleprompting.

Have you ever wondered what do News Anchors use when they are telling us the news?

They are actually just reading it!

But you are not aware that YOU can also do that in any conference,or recording your video.
It is interesting to know that it can be used in Android,windows of any OS.

For ANDROID You can use application like Elegant teleprompter for this purpose.
And you will get thousands of softwares for other OS also.


A teleprompter, is a display device that prompts the person speaking with an electronic visual text of a speech or script.
Teleprompter software allows us to read lines of our speech quickly and without any mistakes. 

Using Teleprompter software

Advanced teleprompter softwares have advanced features like Choosing  between automatic scrolling and voice-activated scrolling, which displays text as we talk.

For Android I May recommend you to use "Elegant Teleprompter" as I have used it.

some basic steps to use teleprompter software are:-

  • Copy/paste your script into the application
  •  adjust the font size and speed according to your reciting speed
  •  Place the window at nearest position under the camera
  • open your camera or any recording app/software.
  • Start recording and play the teleprompter
Below are some images of Elegant teleprompter.

How it works?

This software run the text line by line when the camera is recording our video.Both of the processes are running simultaneously.User can read the text using telprompter.The text is moved automatically by the software.So we dont have to mave our eyes to see the next word or line;and hence eye movement is not noticed .Moreover the text is moved near the camera ; So the audience thinks that the Someone who is reciting the speech is  is seeing in the Camera.

Do we face any problem using it?

Sometimes We may face some problem .This is because,in some teleprompters software we cant directcly copy-paste the script.We have to paste them line by line or sometime word by word.We cant manually do this work as it becomes hectic for big scripts.
But for my Python community i have a smart idea .You can simply run the code and get the "word by word " output.

Steps to use the code are:-
  1. Copy the code and paste it in Python IDLE
  2. Copy your script and past it in the source code as directed
  3. Then run the code
  4. Simply copy the output and past it in the application.

Source code-

text="input text"
for j in list:

#Code ended

You have to paste your text in "input text"


"Hope it helped"
Have anything in mind? Let me 
know in the comment section👇

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